Thursday, May 20, 2010

By partnering with Modular Homes, Inc., many real estate agents have successfully cultivated a relationship with a new client, or closed a sale with an existing client, by sharing the vast benefits of building modular with their customers. By delving into this market, you can actually grow your existing business in a climate where many agents are struggling to survive. We can help you convert land sales into a land / home deal, as well as help you work with developers who might be sitting on tracks of land in a tight market.

Some topics that will help strengthen your business include:

How to specifically market to your female customers. Women directly purchase or have a controlling influence in the purchase of 91% of all new homes. (Smith-Dahmer Associates, NAHB IBS)

How does modular construction compare to stick built construction?

* Better built structures
* Less turnaround time
* More Value

How building modular is “greener” than stick built construction

* Controlled environment during construction leads to less waste
* Homes are more energy efficient
* Modular homes earn qualifying points towards Leed Certification

If you, your agency, or your customers would like to become better educated on the growing trend of building modular, please contact us to set up a seminar.

For More Information Visit or Call 732.738.4515

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